I have made the decision to chronicle the incredible, searing heartache I am currently experiencing. Since it’s become an immoveable object in and obstacle to my existence, I may as well exploit it for all it’s worth.

One day, maybe, just maybe, he who shall not be named will find this blog and understand the depths of my sheer love and devotion to him. I hope one day, in spite of everything, we meet again and part at least as friends.

Until then, until he removes the barriers to communication and alleviates the absolute loneliness of my soul, I will write here, to tell him, the him that likely no longer (if he ever did) exists how much I love him.

Dear P, I love you. I am loyal and good and I am yours.

I have made the decision to chronicle the searing heartache I am experiencing.


One day, just maybe, he who shall not be named will understand the depths of my devotion to him.

Lost Love Letters


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